Take into account these 5 instagram marketing techniques for better results

Adding images can take add value to your internet marketing actions in twitter, Facebook Marketing and others. We can get more customer interaction and engagement with the help of images as humans love visual contents like images, videos, etc. Hence it is not an astonishing thing that Digital Marketing through Instagram is been widely used by entrepreneurs, influencers and top Business Organizations.Adding images can take add value to your internet marketing actions in twitter, Facebook Marketing and others. We can get more customer interaction and engagement with the help of images as humans love visual contents like images, videos, etc. Hence it is not an astonishing thing that Digital Marketing through Instagram is been widely used by entrepreneurs, influencers and top Business Organizations.

The uniqueness of instagram marketing lies in the fact that it is free advertising and enable the users to connect based on interests and hashtags. Around 70% of organizations are doing this social media marketing strategy. It is sure that this rate will surpass other social media networks in future.

If you are intend to begin instagram marketing for your business, then this post is for you. In this post, we explain important points to be considered and implement in your instagram marketing.

1. Link to your web page in the Bio Section

Instagram has the power to drive more people to your website as the instagram images can generate millions of links per day. You can convert the likes to traffic for your website by adding link to your website in the Bio section of your instagram account.

Remember that audience who are following a brand in instagram begin to make purchase and become customers for the brand. It pushes the business owners to provide a link or call to action for their website.

Hence lead generation will occur in a large number with the instagram platform if you add link or call to action in the bio section.

The steps required to provide link in the bio section are as follows:

i. Go to "Edit Profile"

ii. In the website text box, enter the URL of your website or web page you want to link to.

2. Avoid making your account "Private"

Making your account private means you are sustaining your account in a limited manner shortening the reachability. In case, you are using instagram for branding your Business, then you need to make it publicly accessible.

Otherwise, any people would like to follow your brand cannot view your photos until you accept their request. Tis will lead to losing customers in some cases.

For instance, you are posting as photo are video in your instagram account regarding any discount offers for a while. If you make your account private, many people cannot see and use the offer. Here you are losing a new customer for your Business.

3. Misuse of Hashtags

Hashtags in social media empowers you to brand your business and improve the social reach as hashtags help the users to reach more target audience by leading the user to list tweets that include same hashtags.

In cases, if you use irrelevant hashtags or misusing hashtags in your instagram marketing, then the results of your actions in instagram remain neutral.

Instagram allows the users to use maximum 30 hashtgas per post. The reachability of your posts will increase based on the number of hashtgas you added in your post. Hence you need to search and select appropriate keywords to add in your instagram posts.

4. Respond to audience's comments

If you do not respond back to the audience comments on your post, then they may think that you do not give value and respect for them. Probably, they do not follow and respond your other posts. This will result in losing a chance to get customers.

Besides this, Google also give special attention to social media posts which get more customer interaction like shares, comments, likes and others. Remember that it is not a ranking factor.

To maintain the rate of people who follow and interested in your instagram posts, you need to respond back properly for their comments.

5. Goal Driven Strategy

Last but not least, begin your instagram marketing strategy with setting goals. All the actions you do in instagram should have their centricity on your goal. Then only you will succeed in this strategy.

For example, if you are doing instagram marketing with the objective of generate more leads, then you need to impress the audience by posting quality visual contents.


We hope that these stated points will help you to get better results for your Business with instagram account. You need to post original photos and videos that will help the audience to interact with the contents. Otherwise, actions like reposting existing contents do not make your Business radiant.

It is better to be concentrate in the quality of contents you add in instagram.

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